
WebAchiever: State Standards for Tier 1 and 2 Students 



               WebAchiever Quick Start Guide


WebAchiever is a powerful, yet simple system to use from school or home.  Schools using WebAchiever quickly see substantial student improvement.


For Program Administrators


Give user names and passwords to students and teachers (enclosed). Have them go to and type their WebAchiever user name/password at the bottom of the screen. Make an icon for the Brainchild website, so you won’t have to type the web address in next time.

Students will see icons for Language Arts, Math, and Science.  They automatically enter at their own grade level.


Once they choose a course, they will see the Student Learning Plan. It shows a list of YOUR STATE STANDARDS that will appear on your state test. They simply click on the state standard.


To see student’s needs, teachers, tutors, or parents simply have the student call up his/her Student Learning Plan.


Have students take the TEST mode first, to record a baseline score. For scores less than proficient, they can go back, choose lessons, and use multimedia instruction and the STUDY mode to learn. When they feel they are ready, they go back to the TEST mode to record a higher score.


When administrators and teachers log in, they see this management screen with reports. Simply point and click to view, print, or export reports in Excel files. Scores are recorded from the TEST mode only. Now, you have an automated standards-based assessment and instruction system, so teachers can spend more time teaching and less time planning. – (866)-472-6949 

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